All participants in the show. The ninth season of the transfer of "the most to lose" on NBC was the most "big" season in the history of transmission. Among the 22 participants, five have come on the show with a weight of more than 180 kg. And although only one winner, all participants in reality shows can claim that title.
The Famous Redwood Log House
by attu | 7:24 PM in Amazing, Beautiful, Cool, Crazy, Creative, Famous, Strange, Unique |
Six Year Old Very Brave Girl
by attu | 1:32 AM in Amazing, Bizarre, Crazy, Strange, Strangest, Weird |
Full of life - the six-year-old girl who has had three hearts
At the age of six, Amy Ferguson is already on her third heart.
She lost the first to a rare condition at the age of two and her body rejected the replacement, leading to a second transplant.
Several times she proved doctors wrong when they said they did not expect her to live.
Now she is in training for her school sports day next week - and determined to do well.
'After everything’s she’s been through she’s still a happy girl who just wants to get on with life,’ said her mother Veronica, 39.
Amy fell ill in 2006 and was expected to die within 24 hours. Doctors diagnosed an infection of the aorta which was destroying her heart.
Battling through: Amy after her second heart transplant operation
She received a transplant at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London. But, despite anti-rejection drugs her body would not accept the organ and two years later she was back in the same hospital, where her mother was told she needed another transplant.
Despite severe complications, the nine-hour operation was a success and last week Amy returned to school in Dublin.
To treat thousands of very sick children each year, Great Ormond Street Hospital needs to raise £50million annually from donations, over and above any funding it receives from the NHS.
For more information go to
Five Headed Snake in India
by attu | 6:56 AM in Animal, Animals, Bizarre, Funny, Nature, Unique, Weird |
Snake Temple in Penang
by attu | 12:06 AM in Abandoned, Amazing, Animal, Animals, Bizarre, Crazy, creature, Strange, Weird |
Located at Sungai Kluang, on Penang Island, the Snake Temple is also known as Temple of the Azure Cloud or Pure cloud Temple, in honor of Penang’s beautiful skies. It’s a safe haven for pit vipers, said to be servants of Chor Soo Kong, the resident deity of the temple. According to legend, Chor Soo Kong, who was a Chinese monk and healer, once offered shelter to the snakes of the jungle, who then started coming in of their own free will.
Thousands of devotees travel to the Snake Temple of Penang, every year, and they aren’t bothered by the dozens of venomous snakes coiled around the temple. Some say it’s the work of Chor Soo Kong, while others believe pit vipers, known as one of the most aggressive snake species, are made drowsy by the smoke of the incense burning in the temple.
Unfortunately, the snake population of the Penang Snake Temple has decreased constantly, due to the urbanization of the area. If you’re brave enough to enter, you should know there’s no admission fee.