Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jon Gosselin Construction Job

Jon Gosselin Construction Job
Jon Gosselin of 'Jon & Kate Plus 8' seems to have left their house and is doing something other than what he's been doing the past few years - raising his kids and using their TV show as income. Meanwhile, his wife Kate is out building a career off the fact that they have eight kids. She is now doing extremely well as a speaker and author. Both of them are rumored to be having or have had affairs, not unusual for people whose primary life function is raising eight kids.

I was Mr. Mom, At-home-dad by choice (not because I lost my job or anything like that) for fifteen years. During that period my wife (now my ex-wife) was climbing the corporate ladder and building her reputation and contacts as a businessperson.

I did the majority of the domestic and parenting work including being president of the elementary school PTA for two years. I was the only man on the entire PTA board; just me and all the other mothers. One of the things I learned is that there is a "Mom's Club," and no matter how involved fathers are with their children, men are not allowed in. The other mothers supported each other in many ways, but I was never a part of that clique.

I did work outside the home doing various consulting jobs, but my primary focus was raising two kids while my ex-wife's primary focus was her career. Eventually, I realized that the other stay-at-home mothers were essentially satisfied with their situation while I was discontent and restless. I wanted to be producing something, but it took much soul searching to realize what was happening.

Read More: Examiner