Saturday, February 19, 2011

Twitter suspends some apps

Twitter suspends some apps
Guess what? Twitter didn’t have to turn off the Twitter apps for millions of users by childishly pulling the plug on UberTwitter and Twidroyd.  But they did. Am I surprised? Not in the least. And then Twitter followed up by delaying for many hours the reactivation of those apps for users. The minor issues with the apps that caused Twitter to turn them off—throwing users into a panic—were fixed quickly, as this tweet points out. Yet Twitter did not restore them, still has not restored them.

While these actions look like disdain for users, I know it’s just corporate immaturity on Twitter’s part. Twitter has a track record of acting first, thinking later—and breaking things. They had options besides disconnecting users without warning, of course. They could have tweeted a public warning, for example.

read More: tweetsmarter