Test Your Travel Skills
travel quizzes |
Hey, savvy traveler. How well have you been paying attention to the news? And how's your geography knowledge holding up? Get a sharp pencil and your travel skills. For every right answer, give yourself 10 points. For every wrong answer, give yourself zero.
Here's the scoring:0-30: Um, do you have any idea where you are right now?
40-80: Considering that 43 percent of Americans ages 18 to 24 cannot locate Ohio on a map, you're not doing too badly.
90-120: A-plus. You rock.
Share your island knowledge
Island facts |
1. The island of Vieques is owned by the United States.
Hoover Dam facts
Hoover Dam facts |
2. A new bridge opened at the Hoover Dam this year, spanning the Colorado River.
Get the scoop on Southwest Airlines
Southwest Airlines |
3. Southwest Airlines recently announced it was buying a competitor.
Cunard ship facts
Cunard ships |
4. Which is the newest Cunard ship?
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Wizarding World of Harry Potter |
5. In June, Universal Orlando opened a new attraction, the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Airport security rules
Airport security rules |
6. The controversial body scanners at airport security use what kind of technology to look for hidden weapons?
Facts about Dominica
Caribbean island of Dominica |
7. The Caribbean island of Dominica, not to be confused with the Dominican Republic, is trying to break into what tourism niche?
All about Steven Slater
All about Steven Slater |
8. In August, Steven Slater, a JetBlue flight attendant, flipped out on a plane, yelled at the passengers, grabbed two beers and slid down the plane's emergency chute.
Airport baggage fees
Airport baggage fees |
What is the maximum weight for the first checked bag on most U.S. airlines without paying a fee?