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The Most Annoying Business Jargon

 For people bent on achieving superstar status in the business world, knowing one language is often not enough. Unfortunately, the second tongue most popular to many American corporate types isn't Spanish, German, French, Italian or even Chinese. Its jargon, a heinous amalgamation of terms with unknown origins and delivered with no explanation, irony or even a crumb of guilt. Here's a round-up of the worst of the lot.

Drill Down

Let's Talk That

Ducks In a Row

Hard Stop

Price Point

Think Outside the Box

Giving 110%


Move the Needle

Boil The Ocean

It is what it is

Learning" (the Made-Up, Annoying Noun Version)

Full Service

Over The Wall


Out Of Pocket

Take It To the Next Level


Manage Expectations

Low-Hanging Fruit

Break Down Silos

And a Few More, While We're At It

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